Saturday, 6 July 2013

A bit of Good news

I've had some good news this week and hopefully it will get better by Friday.   Yesterday I was told that my blood test as part of my annual review had come back telling me that my B12 levels are stable, but my Folic Acid has dropped low again, so I am back on tablets for this for 3 months.  I'm hoping that this means I can stop having the B12 jabs, as I hate them, so, I am really hopeful (might be a bit premature though!!)

The full blood count also came back normal.

I am awaiting results for Vitamin D to make sure those levels are also at a normal level, and I am still awaiting the results of a blood test that was ordered after I had been seen by paramedics in June (apparently that should be back by Friday)

So as I said hopefully, by Friday I shall have more good news, so keep your fingers crossed.

I am due to have my TTG levels checked in September, and then obviously my Folic Acid levels will need to be checked again in October.

Friday 5th July:
I have been told that the blood test ordered in June has come back normal, which was a huge relief.  They were checking to see if I had the gene that makes blood clot more readily than normal, to see if I was at even higher risk of DVT than I was already.  It's taken a long time to come back, but at least I now know.

Vitamin D result is likely to take another couple of weeks, but I'm hopeful that will come back normal too.

As for the B12 jabs, well that requires another phone call, as I forgot to ask again!!!

But overall it's not looking too bad.

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