When you find yourself getting stressed about something, how do you deal with it?
There are two fairly effective solutions:
1. Remove yourself from the thing that is causing the stress or
2. Remove the thing that is causing the stress from yourself
All very well and good until it comes to food........humans and food are inextricably linked and you can do neither of the above solutions. If you remove yourself from food the outcome will not be good, and equally if you remove food from yourself the outcome again will be deadly.
So how on earth do you deal with a stressor that cannot and should not be removed? No I don't know either, but this is where I'm at now. Food is stressing me out, I don't want anything to do with it (but I have to to survive) I can't remove it, and I shouldn't remove myself from it (and before you all panic I won't remove myself from it) But sometimes when just walking through the kitchen makes you burst into tears how do I deal with that? I can't have a break from it for 2 weeks, food is ever present as it's a basic human need. Unless I employ a chef to feed me (now wouldn't that be good!!) three meals a day for a fortnight, that just arrive on the table, there is no let up in this stress at all.
My friends and family have been very good, but I can't help feeling that I am in a glass box, I feel distant even though I'm being included, which isn't helping the feelings of isolation from everybody around me, and I do not want to attend things that involve food because it will just upset me (but won't help the feelings of isolation.) I know there are some of you out there who know exactly what I'm talking about, and some of you are reading this saying it can't be that bad.
Put yourself in my position: When we go to anything I have to take my own food. If we go to a venue I have to ring ahead and ask all sorts of questions which sound silly, but are necessary. Knowing full well that if a mistake is made I wouldn't know since I get no effects whatsoever (I'm what is known as a silent Coeliac). except malabsorption and that takes quite a long time to show up, and can only be tested by blood tests. I am not about to compromise my strict GF diet to find out what the effects of eating gluten would be 9 months down the line. I cannot just turn up and expect to be fed, like the rest of you do. This becomes a problem, because I get bored with what I make and take with me, it is also more expensive, and I don't get the respite of not having to think about more than one dish for everyone, i.e. I am expected to provide my own food plus a contribution for everyone else.
I've lost interest in food, I don't want anything to do with it, it is stressing me out every time I think about it, I can't get away from it and as a consequence I cannot deal properly with the stress which is starting to make me ill. I'm eating because I have to, not because it's enjoyable. All the enjoyment has been sucked out of food and I have no idea how to combat it. I faced up to Coeliac Disease and confronted it, but this is much, much harder, and it's made even harder by not being able to explain what this feels like or how it affects me.
Nothing is impossible, but this has me stumped as to how to deal with it.
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