Tuesday, 29 October 2013

I hadn't realised...........

Wow I hadn't realised it had been nearly 2 months since the last time I posted.   This post could just as easily be entitled my GP and me!!!

Firstly, between myself and my GP we seem to have sorted a lot of the things that the Coeliac Disease was responsible for: B12 under control, Diet under control, flu jab done, pneumo vaccine sorted, and my Folic Acid is also under control.  We are now singing off the same hymn sheet which is making life a lot easier.

Secondly I had a very frightening end of September when my Diverticulitis flared up big time, resulting in another visit from Paramedics but I managed to keep myself out of the hospital.  The stress of them not being able to deal with my diet would not have helped my recovery, and the emergency doctor who came out to see me that day agreed that I would be better off at home, so that's where I stayed, and because of the way my GP surgery deals with appointments etc I was able to talk to the same person every time I rang, at the end of that week...that was what I call fantastic care, and the least stressful way of dealing with a problem that was very debilitating.

Because of the above the question of emotional baggage has come to the fore, and after months of trying to get help from the normal routes, work came up with the goods!!  I now have somewhere where I will be able to sort out all the emotional issues that come with Coeliac Disease.  This has come with my GP's blessing as well, which is very helpful.

I think we both know that we listen and take action on what the other has said, and that is what has given me my complete care package.  It's taken a little while to get there but it's now working in my favour.

Because of the Diverticulitis flare there are still a few bits that need sorting out and now I need to have some more blood tests, BUT overall feeling like a pincushion is certainly preferable to feeling like I did a few weeks ago.

I do feel fantastic, and that is thanks to the above, but I am struggling with the whole Coeliac Disease thing as far as the emotional impact is concerned, this is what I buried a year ago to deal with the practical, and it now needs dealing with because we believe that emotional stress is what causes my Diverticulitis attacks, and the extra worry of what happened a few weeks ago happening again is not very helpful, I need some strategies to help, and that is what work have come forward with.

Obviously I am now aware that this is going to take some time to sort out but we are moving forward and that can only be a good thing.  Talking to CUK re my diet and fibre intake was reassuring too, since to aid with the Diverticulitis I need a high fibre diet but I have problems with wholewheat's and whole grains, to be told by the dietitian that I had my diet well and truly under control and I was eating the right things to keep on top of my deficiencies as well as eating enough fibre was very helpful, and negated the need for another appointment with a dietitian, so that was fantastic.

I've had a tough time over the last two years (this year in particular, with hospital visits etc.) but it does now all be appearing to be calming down and sorting itself out.  OK  I do still have phlebitis but that is being monitored as are all my other health problems, and it is becoming apparent that a few of them are connected to the CD.   It's thanks to my GP really, who has gone out of his way to make sure that I am having the care that's needed and what is available, which is a step up from the GP who had not a lot of idea before, same person different perspective, and is working for his patient, he got up to speed very quickly.  Yes we've had some hiccups, but those have all been ironed out, and I now feel confident that there is an understanding of the links between my condtions and how they affect me and my life which can only be good.

All I need to do now is change the attitudes of other people..................!!!!!!

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