Sunday, 28 April 2013

Had two parties.....

I went to two parties this weekend, the one on Friday was for my own daughter who will be 17 on Tuesday, and that consisted of 50 teenagers, a live band and a DJ with some awesome music too.  My ears were still ringing on Saturday morning!!! But a good time was had by all.

On Saturday I had been invited to a Celidh.  We had informed our friends of my recent diagnosis, and was met with the response, oh that's OK we'll do you a separate plate of food.  That in itself was a breath of fresh air.  Nevertheless, I still ate before I went because we had been in Oxford all day checking out the University at their open day.  I also made sure I took some food with me as a back up.  When it came to eating I went to see my friend and she said oh yes the food is here, and then she divulged that she had neglected to tell her son and his mates that the separate plates of food were for the 3 Coeliac friends who were at the party.

Needless to say three Separate plates of food in the eyeline of three teenage boys, doesn't really need much explanation, and the ladies son didn't bother to ask, and naturally assumed that the food was for them.......result..........not as many sandwiches as there should have been.  Because I had eaten before I went and taken some snacks with me, it wasn't a problem, it was just so funny when the hostess told me what had happened, I don't know what the reaction of the other Coeliacs was, but I just found it really funny.   Really enjoyed the Celidh too.   It was nice to know though that I, and the other 2 Coeliacs had been treated as guests at their party rather than an inconvenience, I won't forget that.

Couldn't move this morning, I had such a good time last night, and I ache all over.

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