How do you deal with people who have no idea that Coeliac Disease is a lifelong condition? I had one person yesterday tell me that two of her friends both grew out of Coeliac Disease and now they can eat gluten again...........from all the information and my logical brain that is NOT possible, just like you can't grow out of Diabetes, or Arthritis. Real Coeliac Disease is an Autoimmune disorder, so you cannot grow out of it.
I believe these people who think they have grown out of it, either only had a temporary gluten intolerance, or were diagnosed by blood test only, and although I understand the reasons for many people to want to be diagnosed that way, the only definitive way to know for sure is to have the biopsy. That is not to say that it made them ill, but there have been reports of people in the medical profession telling children that they have grown out of the disease, which is not very helpful as they are giving them false hope.
I despair of the system if our medical professionals do not know what they are dealing with, we don't stand a hope.
I had a mishap yesterday, and although the symptoms weren't bad, I believe I accidentally glutened myself when cooking Fish Fingers for the rest of the family. This is what I used to think was Diverticulitis, but the last twice it has happened I have been dealing with gluten filled food. I feel fine now, but it just shows that you have to be so careful. Diverticulitis was a diagnosis I was having trouble accepting because it never made any sense, the more I think about it, Coeliac Disease makes much more sense and would explain why we never knew what triggered my supposed Diverticulitis......Misdiagnosis methinks.
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