Monday, 14 January 2013

Coeliac Disease

In September I had to take in an awful lot of information and deal with my emotions, which were all over the place I was scared and felt very lonely.

So what is Coeliac Disease?
Contrary to popular belief it is not an intolerance or allergy to wheat and gluten.  It is an autoimmune disorder which is triggered by the ingestion of any food stuff which contains gluten, and as such is recognised as a serious medical condition.  The only treatment is a lifelong 'strict' gluten free diet.   Other autoimmune disorders that you will be aware of are Diabetes (no one knows what triggers this) and Rheumatoid Arthritis (again it is not known what triggers this response)  The difference is these two diseases can be treated with drugs albeit lifelong, but these are much more accepted as serious medical conditions by the general populous than Coeliac Disease.  This NEEDS to change.

If Coeliac Disease is left untreated it can kill.  The reason is, that the gut damage the gluten causes prevents the absorption of the nutrients from the food that is eaten and eventually this causes malnutrition, and therefore eventually death if not caught.

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