Wednesday, 10 September 2014


After what seems like a very long and drawn out process, last week I had my annual blood tests done.

Finally after nearly two years of having the dreaded B12 jabs my results for this came back normal, which means I do not need to have them anymore!! YAY!! I was absolutely ecstatic at this news as even though I have been whittling them down slowly from 4 to 2 and now 0, they are very painful and it wasn't something I wanted to go on.  What I had accepted though was, that it might be necessary to go on, but my body for once has done what I expected!!

Still awaiting results for the TTG levels and I'm hoping they too will be zero, but I am aware that the drop may not be as dramatic as last year as 28-9 was an amazing drop, so although 9-0 shouldn't be that difficult I believe that it may have slowed down a little so I may not have dropped that last 9 antibodies, I could have gone down to five or so.......but who knows anything is possible.

Had my results back yesterday from the TTG test, not quite what I was expecting but there is a sensible explanation.  Last year my results went from 28 -9 as I said above, yesterday I was told my results for this test were 10 (Gone up! Definitely what I wasn't expecting) however having said that I was very ill a few weeks ago after having glutened myself with a packet of M and M's so therefore the antibodies are likely to still be around.  I believe over the summer I also may have been unintentionally glutened but it wasn't as bad as the time before.  So if you think about it the antibodies still being there makes sense, and the number is suggestive that I have my diet under control to a certain degree.   Overall I am really pleased with what I have managed to achieve in the last year, so let's keep going how we mean to go on.

Next stop I hope, a well earned holiday (somewhere other than here, but I still need to build up my confidence).